Thursday, February 10, 2011

39 weeks!

I saw this on another blog I was reading and decided to do it, even though my first pregnancy is almost over.

How far along?
  39/40 weeks

Maternity clothes?
Yes. At this point I can pretty much only wear maternity lounge pants. All the maternity jeans I have are becoming too small and with only 7 days (at the most) left, I'm not buying any more clothes. So I'll just be comfortable for the last week. All my maternity shirts pretty much still fit.

Stretch marks?
Weight gained:
Total - 61 pounds (EEEEKKK!) It's all belly and water weight, though.

At this point, not really. I constantly wake up in the middle of the night to pee and to switch sides and get comfortable.

Best moment this/last week:
Setting my induction date, if he doesn't come by then! And getting to hear his heartbeat  : )

His moving has decreased a little, probably because he's running out of room. But I still feel him kick, move, and punch constantly  : )

Food cravings:
My appetite has decreased significantly in the past 2 weeks. I crave water, fruits, veggies and baked potato soup (that my lovely husband makes)
Boy- John Cayden

Labor Signs:
None, although a have a few contractions. And by a few I mean like 2 contractions in the past week.

Belly Button in or out?

Half-way Out

Wedding rings on or off? fingers are swelling due to all the water retention
What I miss:
Being skinny, wearing my normal clothes, and running

What I am looking forward to:
Having my body back and meeting my little boy

Weekly Wisdom:
Get plenty of rest and relax!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Induction Date is February 17th!!!

So the countdown begins... 8 days til induction! 

I had my 39 week doctor's appointment this morning and I did not get the news I was hoping for; it wasn't bad new by any means. I have not made ANY progress since my last appointment. (Just to recap, my 38 week appointment I wasn't dilated or effaced at all. Baby John was no where near the birth canal). For this appointment I was hoping I had made some progress, maybe dilating and effacing enough to be induced the end of this week; but nope! I am BARELY dilated 1cm (her exact words) and still NOT effaced. Baby John is still exactly where he was last week. So it is a disappointment for me because I have to wait another week to see my little boy! I have my 40 week appointment next Wednesday at 3:00pm, where I will get another exam to check my progression (which she doesn't think will have changed, but hopes it has). After the appointment I'll be admitted to Piedmont Hospital Wednesday (Feb 16th) night and induced bright and early Thursday morning (Feb 17th). So either way my little boy will be here by next Friday! YAY! I'm VERY excited, even though I still have to wait another week. But I guess he'll come when he wants to come or he'll be forced out next week, haha!

At least everything is done...
House Cleaned - CHECK
Grocery Shopping - CHECK
Cars Cleaned - CHECK
Laundry - CHECK
Nursery Complete - CHECK
Hospital Bag Packed - CHECK
Baby John - the only thing left!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

John's Nursery is Finished!!

We have finally finished baby John's nursery! YAY! Everything is cleaned, organized and ready for him to come! However we had to changed one plan with the design. Originally we were planning to have train tracks run across the ceiling, but decided that he wouldn't be able to play with it for a while so we abandoned that idea and have decided to wait until he's about 2 1/2 years old before we do that; it's also not a cheap thing to do. So instead we decided that we would stagger two wall shelves over the rocking chair and the changing table. The wall shelves were going to hold the Southern Company/Georgia Power trucks that Brian's grandfather gave us and the Georgia Power train set we get every year from GA Power. So we were installing the wall shelves and had the first one up, which according to the stud finder, was in studs. Once we placed the train set on the shelf, it fell off the wall. So we decided that that wasn't a good idea and abandoned that tactic quickly. So instead I am placing a cross-stitch over the changing table that my step-mom made for John; which I think overall is a better choice. I won't have to worry about anything being sturdy or worry about things falling off the wall. We decided to place the train set on top of the dresser and place the trucks on each of the book shelves. All in all everything turned out great and I am happy with the way the nursery looks. Below are pictures of John's COMPLETED nursery...
John's crib and nursery letters
John's dresser with his train set and PBK picture frame
 John's changing table with his cross stitch above
My grandma's rocking chair; John's bookshelf with his trucks and alphabet picture
Train window valance and gym activity mat
 John's swing and rocking horse
John's organized closet of clothes with cubby holes
View of the nursery from the door
View of the nursery from the corner
I'm so excited for him to arrive and to actually be able to use everything in the room and to play with my son!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Is it February 15th yet?!?!

38 1/2 weeks along, but I'm feeling more like 41 weeks. Since I've hit 37 weeks, it feels like the days keep going by very very slowly. My pregnancy went by fast; I can hardly believe it's February already! But the last weeks seem to drag on and on. I'm not a very patient person; I had to wait 8 months to get pregnant with him to begin with and then another 9 months of being pregnant...I am definitely ready for him to be here! But I know a couple more weeks won't kill me.
I went to the doctor on Tuesday and found out that I am NOT dilated or effaced AT ALL! He's no where close to being making his appearance; which does make me a little sad! I was hoping I could get induced at 39 1/2 weeks (which would be like next Thursday-Friday), but that doesn't look like that's going to happen. I have to go back on Tuesday and get checked again and see if anything has changed. Hopefully something will I have changed and I will have a better chance I getting to finally meet my son towards the end of next week, but if not then I will go back again on the following Tuesday (15th..week 40) and get checked again. However, if there is no progress still at 40 weeks then I will be induced at 40 1/2 weeks. So either way baby John should be here by February 20th, although I am hoping he comes much sooner!
I am definitely beyond the point of being uncomfortable. It literally takes me around an hour to fall asleep a night, only to wake up an hour later to pee; the cycle continues like that all night. Needless to say I don't get that much sleep, although I AM trying very hard. I know once baby John does make his appearance, it will be hard to get any sleep for a while (unless he's one of the babies that sleeps all night, but I heard those are few and far between). I CAN'T WAIT!

38 1/2 week belly pictures below...(there will probably only be one more post with belly pictures before baby John arrives).

Could I get any bigger?!?! I mean really; I already feel like I'm going to pop and there's still 10 days left! OH MY! 10 days... 10 days til we meet our son. WOW, pregnancy sure did fly by fast, but I'm okay with that since it wasn't my favorite thing. But in the end (even though I haven't made it there yet), it will be worth it!
However, to tell you the truth... I am TERRIFIED of labor & delivery! All I can think about it the pain and the fact that I am like the BIGGEST wimp alive! I know that I definitely want an epidural AND pain meds for the labor/contractions before the actual pushing. I'm definitely okay with not feeling anything and having to have the doctor tell me when to push, I could care less if I even feel it. All I want is to see my son and have no pain. My doctor seems to agree with me about the pain meds and epidural, since she has seen me get my blood taken and get shots. So it's good we're on the same page! She's awesome! 
I'm getting so excited, anxious, and nervous all at the same time because it's all so close!