Saturday, September 11, 2010

First baby kicks and 18 days to go!!!

I felt my baby's first kicks Thursday evening! :0) YAY!!! It was very exciting! I hadn't really thought about what it would feel like or was really paying attention because I was under the impression that most first time pregnancies don't feel the baby kick/move until at least 20 weeks, but that wasn't the case for me! At 17 1/2 weeks along I felt little Jellybean move! It was like popcorn popping in your belly or like little tapping coming from inside! Since Thursday evening I've felt Jeallybean move 3 more times, and each time is very exciting!! I can't wait until I can actually feel constant strong kicks!

Only 18 days to go until we find out the sex of the baby, however, I definitely think it's a girl. But not just because I want a girl first. I honestly don't mind whether we have a girl or boy first, I personally think that having a girl first would be fun, but so would a boy. I just have a strong feeling it's a girl and whenever I walk into a place or am online doing registry stuff, I always look at girl things. I don't even go look at boy things, not because I don't want a boy but because I just don't think it's a boy. However, I could always be wrong. I just have a strong feeling that it's a girl :0) but I'm really excited to find out! We go on September 28th, 20 weeks, to find out. My appointment isn't until 2:00pm and I was told to drink 2 glasses of water an hour before the appointment. But I was wondering if I ate lunch would it effect the ultrasound??? Should I just eat breakfast normally and wait to eat lunch until after the ultrasound, just to make sure that Jellybean cooperates??? Because I really don't want to have to go back if Jellybean doesn't cooperate so we can see if it's a he or she. I would like to find out at 20 weeks, I mean I have been waiting all the that time. So just let me know what you think the best thing to do is....
I've been doing a lot of work around the house lately, in preparation for Jellybean! YAY! I have completely cleaned out, cleaned and painted the junk room. It is now being organized and the office and guest bedroom furniture are being moved into that room today. I have painted the hallway and bathroom this week as well. And have completely cleaned and organized the guest bathroom, which will be Jellybean's bathroom. The only thing left to do, on that side of the house - which is a BIG task, is getting EVERYTHING out of the big room and organized, thrown out, or donated so that big room is empty because.... THAT'S THE NURSERY! YAY! I want to have the big room completely emptied out before we find the sex of the baby, because once we find out we'll probably be getting things. Plus I want to be able to put things away after we get things and after showers instead of just piling them in the room. I plan on designing and building a custom closet for the nursery, to utilize all the space in the closet and to maximize the storage space for clothes, toys, and extras. YAY! I'm so excited to start decorating and organizing the nursery, CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT THE SEX!!!!   

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

16 weeks and only 27 days to go

I had my 16 week appointment yesterday and finally started taking belly pictures, so here are a few. First picture was taken before my appointment early in the morning. The second picture was taken late in the afternoon and is a close up of my belly (probably why it looks bigger than it should). The third picture was also taken late in the afternoon and is a front picture of my belly :0) YAY!!!
 Okay, now that we've all seen the belly pictures it's time for the actual post. So my appointment yesterday was at 9:15am, my doctor is near/very close to Piedmont Hospital. So since I live in Bethlehem, which isn't as close to Piedmont. I have to leave early to make it there. Well since I was probably going to hit traffic (morning rush hour), I decided to leave at 7am and I did. I TOOK AN HOUR AND A HALF to make it to 285... so by 8:30am I was only at 285, but luckily once you hit 285 traffic disappears. So I got to my doctor's office by 8:50am, which was good. 

I told my doctor all about my migraines and symptoms that went with them. She offered to write me a prescription for strong pain killers (that I could take during pregnancy), however since she didn't seem that comfortable prescribing them and they were narcotics, I declined and since that Tylenol helped a little and that I'd rather stuffer through it. She also told me that headaches and migraines were normal during pregnancy, especially in the 2nd trimester, but as my pregnancy continues the headaches/migraines should become less and less. However if I'm still having as many as I'm having by the 3rd trimester, she suggests that I might get an MRI just to make sure. But she's not concerned at all. Plus I had my blood pressure checked and it was 102/64, which they said was really good. So everything's good.

The best part was when the doctor was listening to the heartbeat, it took a couple minutes because every time she found it and started counting Jeallybean would start to kick and move and all you could hear was the movement, haha..not cooperating already! She finally was able to get the count of the heartbeat, which was 160 again and really good. So I'm happy. But now the countdown begins....ONLY 27 days til we find out if we're having a BOY OR GIRL!!! :0) I'm so exciting! I really think it's a girl, not just because I would like a girl first, I just have a feeling. But we'll see. I could always be wrong! But on September 28 at 2:00pm we'll know! YAY!! Plus my birthday is the day before, so it's going to be a GREAT birthday present! Plus we'll also get to see our jellybean again, haven't seen him/her since week 12 of pregnancy, so I'm excited! YAY!!!