Thursday, August 26, 2010

I've discovered Nightmares & Vertigo

Nightmares... Now I know with being pregnant comes a lot of symptoms, however, this is definitely my LEAST favorite; if it even is a symptom. I have had nightmares every night for the past 2 weeks and frankly I'm tired of it! When you think of nightmares, most people think of when they were little and monsters would come and get them in there sleep. No, that's not what nightmares are about when you're pregnant. Honestly, I'd rather go back to when I was 5 years old and had nightmares about monsters eating me or something ridiculous, instead of the nightmares I have now. It is to the point now that I don't even want to nap or go to sleep at night because I'm scared of my dreams...really? What adult is scared of their dreams? They're just dreams, they aren't real. However they feel so real when I'm asleep it's not funny. Not only do I wake up in the middle of the night, still, because of peeing and having to move constantly to get comfortable at night; but now I wake up an additional 2-4 times a night because of these nightmares.  I have heavy breathing and toss and turn during these nightmare 'episodes'. Luckily, I don't wake up in pools of cool sweat, hahaha.  I know I need sleep, but it's getting hard to want to sleep when I know I'm just going to have another nightmare.

I'm not going to go in detail about what my nightmares were about, or discuss some of them because, honestly, they are extremely embarrassing. I can't believe that my brain could come up with this crap. I have nightmares that my family will fall apart and my husband will leave after the baby is born; which I know would never happen. Or I'm playing with my child in the park and she gets snatched or some crazy pedophile tries to take her. Or really weird crap that doesn't even make sense; which is the things that I won't go into detail about (I feel stupid for my subconscious brain even coming up with this stuff).

Has anyone else had nightmares, some very disturbing, while they were pregnant?? And how long is this going to last? Is this normal, or a normal symptom? Am I going crazy? Is there anything I can do to make them stop? Could it be food I've eaten, or a movie/TV Show I've watched? HELP, PLEASE!

Vertigo...In high school I was diagnosed with migraine and cluster headaches. Cluster headaches are when you have a bunch of headaches or migraines continuously for a long period of time. My migraines are seriously debilitating. I have to lay down with ice on the back of my head and front, turn off all lights and sounds, as well as take medicine. The migraines tend to make me nauseous and I would have flash white lights in my eyes (sometimes this would be the only symptom), which made it impossible to see. Since I've been pregnant the migraines and clusters have returned, with a vengeance. A couple times I've had migraines so bad where my right side would go numb and then the feeling would return 10 minutes or so later and have flashing white lights in my eyes (without the actual pain). But the most scariest symptoms with the migraines has been the vertigo. I got up in the middle of night a week ago to go to the bathroom (what else is new) and could barely stand, let alone walk to the bathroom because of the world spinning and extreme dizziness (without the pain again, just the vertigo and nausea). The vertigo is a new symptom of my migraines, I've never had this before until I became pregnant. I called my OB and she said that it was part of the migraines and that I should just take it easy. However, 2 days ago it happened again. Since I am pregnant there is nothing I can take, medication wise, to relieve any of the symptoms. I can take Tylenol, however I really try not to because I get worried something would happen to the baby.


  1. Hey girl! I had crazy dreams too .. it's just part of being pregnant. You need to try to get rest now because once you hit about 34-36 weeks you won't sleep because it's just not comfortable. As for the Tylenol, you don't need to worry about the baby, I took tylenol a lot because I finally discovered it's better to just take it than to constantly be in pain! I had horrible headaches during my pregnancy ... you might want to mention this to your dr so they can check your blood pressure ( I know it can be a sign of high blood pressure)but a lot of it can be from the hormones too! I hope you are doing well!

    Michelle Godfrey

  2. omg I have had crazy dreams my ENTIRE life! It's horrible b/c they are so vivid and I think my son at almost 18 months old has them too. Like freaky stuff...I once dreamed that my dad was chasing me in nothing but a robe b/c he wanted to rape me!!! Horrible, stupid, scary stuff here so I REALLY feel you on that one! I also got baddd migraines while pregnant. I got them prior to pregnancy but pregnancy made them worse...and my dr. told me right when I felt one coming on that I should take 2 ibprofin and drink a mt dew! it really did help!!!

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